Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Adsense Format For Google?

According Darren Rowse (from Google is secretly testing new Adsense format.

From Darren Rowse:

Here’s the scoop. Adsense are testing a system where by the publisher not only chooses from a number of prescribed ad formats (as we currently do) but where they themselves are able to determine:

1. The ad format size.

2. The number of ads to be shown in this space.

This is an interesting development because it allows publishers to have much greater control over the design of ads and the integration of them into their sites. It would give real freedom to publishers to find the very best position on their site without needing to completely rearrange their site’s design to accommodate them.

There is no word of when such a system might actually go live but as far as I can see they are testing it in a number of places which could mean that it is sooner than later. Adsense Developing Fully Customizable Ads Blocks?

(Via: Inside Google : Google Testing New Ad Formats?

Olivier Duffez is an SEO consultant specialized on Google. Working on the Internet since 1997, he created in 2002 Web Rank Info, a free SEO resources French community (+13,000 members), and in 2003 his company Web Rank Expert. He created an online collaborative dictionary supported by and DMOZ.

He’s giving SEO conferences in ImiTiki’s seminars and wrote a book about Google and SEO in 2004. He’s also part of the developpment team of PR Weaver and Agent Web Ranking softwares.

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