Thursday, September 19, 2024

Network Marketing. Get-Rich-???

We all “think” we know what network marketing is. We all feel that maybe we can get very rich within three months from the day we join a network marketing business. However, I’m afraid to tell you, that get-rich-quick may not be so much the case for network marketing business. Not unless you have a large sum of money to invest in your advertising and marketing.

What I’m going to share with you is that network marketing business is like any other businesses. You need to give it time for it to prosper. With the right expectations, and right directions, network marketing business is a proven way that will leads you to financial freedom.

Nowadays we have seen so many advertisements promising get-rich-agenda. Thus, it gives the public slightly off impressions on network marketing business. So many people, including myself, fall into this trap. Not soon, I find out that it’s not going to work for me. I wasn’t making any money like it’s been advertised. I quit after five months because I simply could not afford to lose any more money.

I was shocked; and keep asking why? Why am I not making money? According to my sponsor and the meetings, I should be making money by now? I did what they told me to do! Eventually I give up. My first network marketing business failed. Mind you, that company I first joined is an old and famous company and has distributors all over the world.

I wasn’t going to give up just like this. I went away and I studied network marketing a little more. I know network marketing works because RichDad, Mr. Robert T. Kiyosaki recommends it. As dig more and more into how network marketing work and how success distributors make it I found out that almost everyone who thrives in network marketing business now failed at least once!

All these successful network marketing business distributors all tell the story of, 1. I failed…… 2. I accept my failure… 3. I start again and learn from my mistakes 4. Before I realized it, I’m successful!

By now, you’d have realized that IT TAKES TIME AND HARD WORK for network marketing business to success!!! But it is truly worth it.

The formula that actually works for MLM is:

1. You need a source to generate quality leads (people) for you every month for at least 12 months (usually it really takes two years for it to become stable, however by the end of one year, you will definitely know what I mean by “seeing results”).

2. You will train there people with everything you know and help these people with all your heart to see them successful too (MLM is a win-win business).

3. Let’s say out of these people you have 5 of them that have been trained really well by you and are now ready to sponsor people themselves. They each duplicate what you’ve done and they each trained 5 people just like you did. By now you have 5*5=25 more people under your team for the work of only training 5 people.

4. By now your team is ready to take off, and it’s only now that you will see a phenomenal growth on your network marketing income. So give it 5 years. You will be glad that you did.

You may say, but this is too much work and too long! Let’s start with a series of question and answer then we can decide if the above is too much work.

Suppose you are working for someone to earn a living. Do you truly like the job? Most of the time the answer I get is: NO.

Ok, so how long do you have to do that job before you can retire? Assuming you are all in you 20’s and you wishes to retire in your 40’s. That will take you 20 years with continuous saving of course.

That’s good! But do you ever ponder that: “Can I do something I don’t like for 20 years when I can do something I don’t like for 1 to 5 years then quit?”

With the fact that network marketing business allows you to leverage your time, and help you reach your goal. An excellent company with exceptional training will let you do something you don’t like for 5 years and then retire!

And who knows. You may decide that you really like network marketing business after all.

Janice Chiang is the owner of Value Network Marketing Biz, Value Network Marketing Biz feature
articles on network marketing that will bring you closer to success
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