Wednesday, September 18, 2024

MySpace Threat Empties LA School

Every Spring, towards the end of the school year, somebody would invariably call in a bomb threat. We were all pretty sure it was a hoax to get us out of school half a day early, but we were always dutifully shuffled out. But, who needs phones these days when you have MySpace?

Unfortunately, with the MySpace threat posted by a Los Angeles area Hart High School student announcing Tuesday as “bring your weapons to school day,” administrators, parents, and students couldn’t be so sure it was a hoax.

In fact, half the school stayed home as the security was beefed up to search and monitor every soul that braved the front doors. Nothing happened on Tuesday aside from the furious texting of rumors via mobile phones, reports

“With cellphones and text messages, it’s amazing how fast the rumors can fly,” said Pat Willett, a spokeswoman for William S. Hart Union High School District.

The posting was apparently fueled by a near race riot that began last Friday. Though the beef was reportedly between an African American student and a Middle Eastern student, it was Caucasian blonde girls that were threatened on the MySpace page.

There is a positive spin on this story. Announcing the threat on one of the most trafficked sites on the Internet assured that someone would do something about it. It could have been worse; the threat could not have been posted.

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