Thursday, September 19, 2024

MySpace Popular With Mobile Users

Social networking sites are the primary force driving US and UK mobile phone users to upload content to a variety of Web sites.

A new report from Telephia, a consumer researcher of the telecom and mobile media markets, indicates around 4 percent of UK mobile users have uploaded content from their mobile phones to social networking sites, video, blogs and personal Web pages.

Although the percentage of mobile users uploading content to social networking sites is small, research suggests there is strong demand for mobile to be integrated into the social networking world.

“Social networking sites have taken the Web by storm. Eighty-five percent of UK consumers are using text messaging to stay connected to their peers and more than 80 percent of new phones sold are camera phones,” said Reza Chady of Telephia.

MySpace seems to be the most popular when it comes to where mobile UK users are uploading the most content. The report shows that 21 percent of mobile uploaders prefer the site. Windows Live Spaces trails with 19 percent and YouTube comes in third with 9 percent.

In the US 6 percent of mobile users are uploading content to social networking sites. MySpace again comes out on top as the most preferred site for mobile users with 32 percent choosing to upload content there. Facebook was a distant second with 13 percent followed closely by Windows Live Space preferred by 11 percent of mobile uploaders.

In the US and the UK, uploading content from mobile phones is the most popular among 15-24 year olds.

As for future growth in mobile Chady said,” Social networking will spread from the PC to the street in 2007 and beyond.”

Mike is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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