Thursday, September 19, 2024

MySpace Brands Itself With Premium Video Content

When News Corp. entered the Internet world with its acquisition of MySpace, the I-World looked at Rupert Murdoch like they were “a-smellin’ onions.” Nearly two years later, News Corp. is proving to be one of the Web-savviest companies around.

It’s easy to imagine Murdoch sitting back in his Dr. Claw chair, laughing at the struggles facing YouTube nearly on a daily basis, remembering Google’s missed opportunity to buy MySpace.

In a new world as prone to monopolies as the old, remember News Corp., watch out for AT&T, and don’t let GoogleClick distract you from eBay’s 94% online auction share – everyone is jockeying for position, and they are the best in the game.

Anyway, what started that wordy, alarmist aside was MySpace’s launch of a new section within MySpace Video for premium content, later to become branded channels. The social network – ahem, as MySpace now calls it, Lifestyle Portal – is enlisting some quite recognizable, and some lesser known, media partners.

Namely: National Geographic; The New York Times; Reuters; Animation Show; The Daily Reel; Expert Village; Flow; Fox’s IGN Entertainment; LX.TV; Octane TV; Kush TV; Ripe TV; Studio 411;; and Young Hollywood.

“The upcoming branded channel launch continues the growing momentum of MySpace Video,” said Jeff Berman, General Manager of Video and SVP of Public Affairs for MySpace.

“We’re empowering our partners to customize their own video channels and use them as hubs to create a niche experience for users. Today’s announcement is a sign of things to come for MySpace Video.”

Expect that list to expand in the future. Right now, says the company, they’ll focus only on news and lifestyle content. The branded channel announcement follows a string of other content moves from News Corp., including partnerships with Mark Burnett and Michael Eisner.

Expect also to look back at these times and notice the seeds of an online dynasty, not unlike the one Disney established in the offline world.

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