Wednesday, September 18, 2024

My 3 “Must Use” Secrets for Generating Real Estate Listing from Any Website

1. Put Listing Information “Front and Center”

Most real estate agents make it difficult for home sellers to find information on their website.

In fact, many times, home seller information
is not even on their website! This is a big mistake. All your listing
information should be front and center on your home page, don’t make the
mistake of burying it.

I suggest splitting your web site home page into two areas: one area devoted
to the needs of the home seller and the other to the needs of the homebuyer.
In the home seller area – make sure that you focus on answering the
questions home sellers routinely ask.
To be effective, The home seller area should be a comprehensive how-to guide
on the selling process.

Tip: Focus the bulk of your time on getting the home selling information on
your site ready for prime-time. Investing time here will yield a steady
stream of hot prospects.

2. Offer an Home Sellers Mini-Course

90-95% of the people who visit your site will leave and never come back. You
don’t have to just accept this – you can do something about it. A great
strategy is to create a 7 part home selling mini-course. You can make this
course quickly by just splitting your current “listing presentation” into 7

Offer this Mini-Course to everyone that provides you their email and first
name. Now you have a great way to stay in contact with warm leads. I’ve
seen this technique can dump 5-7 leads a day (depending on your site
traffic) into your prospect file.

Tip: Make sure you automate the entire process of sending your mini-course.
Check out for some great no-cost ways to reduce
your workload.

3. Adding a FSBO Tip Page

This is controversial but “by God” does it work! Savvy Real Estate Agents
know that FSBOs are a gold-mine of hot leads if handled correctly. Creating
a simple page dedicated to giving tips and hints to FSBO’s is a wonderful
way to grab attention and set-up an opportunity for further contact.

As you know, Selling a home on your own is an almost impossible chore. If
you provide FSBO’s a helping hand – they will often pay you back with their
listing or a referral. I suggest you be objective and avoid preaching to
the FSBO; just provide helpful information. I’m sure you will be astonished
with the results.

These secrets have worked for many real estate agents and they will work for
you too. Sit down with pen and paper and brainstorm different ways you can
put these tips into practice

Stan Smith is the Author of Master Realtor Internet Secrets Revealed! a comprehensive guide that teaches real estate professionals how to build and market lead-generating Real Estate web sites. Click here for more information on this ground-breaking online success guide – written exclusively for real estate professionals. Check it out at

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