Thursday, September 19, 2024

My Computer Just Ate My Article! Don’t Ever Let This Happen To You!

Yes, it’s true. It happened just the other day!

I wrote one of my best articles ever. Polished it off. It was ready for the big time. I knew it would be published everywhere (because, of course, it was just that good).

Then it happened!

The power went off! Only for a second or two.

There was a loud click and then that wicked humming noise! As my computer came back to life.

And then there it was in front of me!

A completely blank screen!

There was nothing, man! NADA! NO ARTICLE!!!!

The computer swallowed it all! Took it down in one gulp! Didn’t even leave a trace!

And my memory is not that good, you know, as I tried to bring the story back.

I only got out a few sentences before I collapsed on the floor, in complete writing exhaustion!

It wasn’t coming back at all! My great article was gone forever!

My trusted computer! To let me down at a moment like this!

And the power company! How could they do this to me!

Destroyed a great article before it even had a chance to see the light of day!

Did they even know what they did?

Then the wicked thought hit me. Maybe it was all planned! A true conspiracy!

They zapped the power on my computer to show me. Big brother was at its worst.

Anyway, I’ve wised up since then! Now I’m more cautious!

And I’ve even come up with some great tips to keep this from ever happening to you:

1. Back up your story every five minutes (No, wait, maybe you’d better make that every three seconds – just to be safe!)

2. Keep a sledge hammer nearby just in case (to show your computer, who’s boss, of course). This should scare your computer into total submission! It wouldn’t dare fail on you!

3. Call the power company and threaten to cancel your service! That will show them! Then they’ll know you mean business.

4. And if it does ever happen to you, seek immediate counseling! Don’t let this traumatic event ruin your life!

Now when I write (and particularly when I know that my article is going to be a long one) I stop and save it.

Sometimes I stop and save, stop and save, stop and save. It can really be irritating to anyone watching when I’m like that.

You see, I know better now! This is never going to happen again. (I’m writing this while holding onto my sledge hammer. The computer wouldn’t dare zap this article, would it?)

Bzzzzzzzt! Whirrrrr! Oh, no!


Ron Knowlton is a former journalist and the founding editor at “Articles To Boost Your Success Online!” Subscribe to the Soaring Profits Success Ezine! Like a free monthly internet marketing course by email! Eight great lessons each month! Subscribe: htm

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