Saturday, September 21, 2024

Music Video Using Google Earth

British DJ Flavorjenkins wants a job at Google, so to prove he deserves it, he’s showing off a music video he made in Google Earth.

According to CNET, Flavorjenkins was rejected at every record company he sent a demo to, so he created this, which shows a van driving to record companies, him getting signed and buying lots of bling.

But he uses the video to imagine what would happen when he does finally sign his deal: scads of money, champagne, cigars and a fast car, which he then has driving around the Google Earth images instead of the truck; paparazzi following him everywhere; shopping at Harrod’s; visiting Buckingham Palace; flying on a private jet with scantily clad models; and finally landing on his own private island.

The article also mentions that he might be trying to replicate the success of Paul Rademacher, who built the Craigslist/Google Maps mashup HousingMaps and got a job at Google.

When did this happen?

Anyway, I don’t think this’ll work quite as well, since unlike Rademacher, jenkins isn’t showing off a working product, but a Flash movie which seems to superimpose 2D images of a van on Google Earth, and then breaks away to show other images. Now, if jenkins can use the Google Earth program to create a plugin that does all this, he might have something.

And I don’t think he should expect a job at Google for his music. Besides the fact that Google has no interest in signing artists, the music is kind of, well, ordinary. Not bad, but it won’t be tearing up the charts anytime soon.

Nathan Weinberg writes the popular InsideGoogle blog, offering the latest news and insights about Google and search engines.

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