Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Murmuring! A Way to Improve Yourself to Success

Today when I’m listening to my business education tape, I heard a very interesting comment about personal growth that I just have to share it with you.

She was talking about how our daily murmuring is telling a true story about ourselves.

I was wondering, What on earth can my murmuring say about me? It turns out to be that she is right. I realize that I often tell myself that I’m dumb. It is my entire fault that things occur this way.

Wait a minute!

I thought I’m a positive person. I thought I always think in optimistic ways. What is not right here?

I then remembered that someone had once told me, “Although you know what is right, you don’t always necessarily will do the same.”

Often we find when we do this, and then we do that we will achieve what we set out to achieve.

However, always there will be things that happen, things that take us away from the path we set out for ourselves. What do we do then?

Simple, remember the reason why you want to change yourself to be a better person. This principal applies just to everyone who wants to be successful in any field.

Beware, although it is simple, it doesn’t always mean easy. For me, it is a challenge in the beginning as it is not a habit of mine! I thought, well, habit means action that I always do subconsciously. I just need to think more on what I murmur one habit of mine then my problem is solved.

Constantly, remind yourself the reason for changing. This gives you positive energy that helps you through not too good situations. Especially the murmuring that you make to every situation you encounter.

Murmuring is the most hidden message that we have about our own personalities. If you find what you tell yourself is always positive thinking. Congratulations, you will achieve anything you wanted in the world. That is what every successful person tells us.

Janice Chiang is the owner of Value Network Marketing Biz, Value Network Marketing Biz feature
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