Thursday, September 19, 2024

MS AdCenter Bug Makes Advertisers Pay Huge Sums

A major Microsoft AdCenter bug costs advertisers to shell out huge amounts. This bug makes the advertisers may a blasting amount as compared to what they have bid for.

A Webmasterworld thread addressing the same issue has tremendous amount of posts where affected advertisers have addressed the situation. 

My daily spend increased almost 10-fold from $140 to over $1350 yesterday!

At one point yesterday I was charged $131.87 per click for 6 clicks in an order where my max bid is 82 cents per click. In another order I was charged $47.50 for 1 click in an order which the max bid is 55 cents.

I was charged $581 dollars for 4 clicks, maxCpc set to .19 cents….

This situation definitely seems to be getting outrageous. However, AdCenter Blog addresses the issue and says that the problem has been resolved. They also add that the advertisers will be compensated at the earliest.

Some of our adCenter advertisers are seeing high cost-per-click (CPC) and spend amounts in their accounts. I will update this post with more information as soon as I have it, but I wanted to let you know that this issue is now resolved and those of you who were overcharged, we’re working on a plan to credit your accounts for over-charges as soon as possible.



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