Friday, September 20, 2024

Mr. Geez is Back in Business! Wanna Know How?

Are you just marketing? I mean marketing just for the sake of generating sales? Sure everybody does it for sales. However, with the increasing online competition, generating enough sales has become even more difficult if not impossible.

When did you last make a sale? What is your conversion ratio? How far have you been successful in retaining your customers? Questions like these makes majority of netrepreneurs apprehensive. This is because most netrepreneurs don’t understand and practice the underlying online marketing model, which is the key to success.

The following discussion refers to a marketing model practiced by Mr. Johnny Geez who happen to be a netrepreneur. He says…

“Come up with a product and/or join an affiliate program that pays better commission, and market it everywhere on the Net. The more places it will be marketed, the more people will see it, click it, buy it and of-course that will bring in a flood of sales for me. Yes!”

At the end of that month Mr. Geez were really in a bad mood.

Grrr… What the hell they think of themselves? I have been really a fool doing all that hard work on my part, the whole month. This is really frustrating.

What happened? Asked Tony (Friend of Mr. Geez)

Mr Geez: No sales. 🙁 The market doesn’t seem to understand my product. I did manage to bring traffic towards my site, but still no sales. 🙁 You know my product is the best of it’s kind. Just plug it in your car’s engine and you’re done. Your car’s gaskit will never burn out. These people out there are scared spending money on using such a great piece of product.

Tony: But why? You’ve been marketing your product everywhere. Didn’t you make any sales? Come on Geez, don’t tell lie to me. You must have ended up with at least a few hundred dollars in net sales, didn’t you?

Mr. Geez: You think I’m lying. I’m not supposed to hide anything from you. You’re my best friend.

Tony: But Geez, I’ve seen your website. It’s nicely designed, loads fast and above all have a better navigational system. Then what’s the problem?

Mr. Geez: I don’t know, maybe it’s the end of online selling.

Tony: I don’t think so, because I personally know some people out there who are making mega sales without putting much effort. How come they’re doing so well Geez?

Mr. Geez: Oh, that means there must be something wrong with my own marketing approach? What do you think Tony?

Tony: I guess you’re right. Let’s find out and fix the problem.

—- End of conversation —-

So what did *you* learn from this conversation? What must have gone wrong with Mr. Geez’s business, any clue?

I never like anyone to guess, but that’s a critical one. If you guessed it, read on, but if you didn’t, start your engine now because in your answer lies the real crux of the problem.

Okay… It’s show time. “Mr Geez forgot to define his market”. In an exciting attempt to sell his dear product, he unknowingly assumed that his product is for everyone.

Now, why would somebody bothers and pick up his product if he or she doesn’t have a car? And if she does have a car, why must she purchase the product from Mr. Geez, rather than his competitors who are just a click away offering same product at a much discounted rate with superior customer service?

Sounds obvious!

Now that is exactly what’s happening online. Everybody is getting onto the Internet marketing bandwagon in order to make big sales. Considering the fact to reach millions of people, marketers fail to make even a few sales.

Here’s the simplest and most important question you should ask yourself, before even thinking to put your product up for sale:

“WHO is your customer?”

Once you’re able to answer this question, you can build a strong marketing campaign to reap out the tremendous benefits associated with this approach. Even if you make a little marketing effort, you’ll be far better off to put things in shape. Conversely, marketing without satisfying this question is like catching a fly in the dark.

All your marketing efforts are a total waste if you don’t focus your target market. Coming up with a niche product within your customer segment is the surefire way to build a fortune. What distinct benefit your product provide? In what way your product is different, and superior from the competition?

Have all your systems in place to market your product within your designated customer segment. And all I can say is you’ll win the battle. GUARANTEED!

Lessons learned from Mr. Geez’s mistake:

Clearly define your market
Focus on the market first, and than come up with a product that quenches your customer’s thirst
Good website design, better navigation, speed, guarantees, professional outlook, sales copy and testimonials are NOT the *ONLY* ingredients to make sales. Focus matters
Even the best product do not sell if sold to the wrong market
Never blame visitors. They are your source of correction
Oh! By the way, it took just a single day for Mr. Geez to define his market. Since that day his sales went up by 1700%, and his anticipated level of profits surpassed his expectations starting from the next month.

—- Mr. Geez’s advice to YOU —-

Dear fellow entrepreneur, I would like to take this humble opportunity to present you my point of view for success in three simple words:

Target Your Market.

Amin Khan of is the active soul for helping you develop a successful niche based business. Subscribe his FREE ezine ‘The LASER’ to join the select group of pros who are driving the Net for success. Send a blank email to: with the word “subscribe laser” (without quotes) in the body of your email.

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