Friday, September 20, 2024

Mozilla Starts Big Collection of Open Web Tools

Mozilla has launched a new directory with the goal of providing a one-stop shop for open web tools and resources for developers. It is called the Open Web tools Directory.

The reason Mozilla says it decided to start this directory is simply because there isn’t one like it. “There’s no central index of these tools,” the company says in a blog post.

Open Tools Directory

“As we’ve explored different tools we could create here as part of the Developer Tools Lab, we’ve come to the opinion that in addition to creating new tools, one of the best things we could do is help developers understand the broad universe of tools that already exist and expose some of the fantastic and amazing work that’s being done,” says Mozilla’s Ben Galbraith of the Developer Tools Team.

With the Open Web Tools Directory, you can search through the following categories:

– Design
– Code
– Debug
– Test
– Deploy
– Docs

To view the directory, a modern browser with canvas is required. Galbraith suggests Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 2, or Opera 9.

Of course to truly build a comprehensive directory of open web tools, Mozilla needs help from developers, and is calling for submissions. Submissions will be reviewed on a regular basis. They will not go live immediately.

Open Tools Directory

The directory is clearly a work in progress, not just in terms of its contents, but also interface. Mozilla says it is working to add social elements that will allow users to comment and vote on the tools they like best. They are also working on a more accessible version that does not require a browser with canvas support.

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