Friday, September 20, 2024

More Young People Ditching Their Landline

The trend of young U.S. mobile users choosing to disconnect their home phone lines is growing, according to a report from In-Stat.

The average person who opts out of having a home phone line is under 35 years old with a small household and a lower income than the traditional phone user.

More Young People Ditching Their Landline

“The largest number of current cord cutters-those who do not have a landline, but rely solely on their mobile phone-are those one might expect: young, single, living alone, or sharing quarters such as a dormitory or rooming house,” says Jill Meyers, In-Stat analyst.

“In many cases, these are people who are the least-likely candidates to have a landline phone.”

Those who rely solely on mobile phone use 22 percent more cellular minutes than the average respondent, and 40 more than those not interested in dropping their landline. Twenty-four percent of those with a landline would consider replacing it with a mobile phone.

Those who would consider replacing their landline with a mobile phone have the highest penetration of family or group mobile rate plans, and they have the highest spending averaging $111.41 per month.

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