Saturday, September 21, 2024

More Marketers Focused On Digital Spending

More marketers are planning on shifting their media spending budgets to digital during the economic downturn, according to a second quarter survey by Round2 Communications.

Email marketing is one area where spending is set to increase with 40 percent of respondents planning to do so, while half expect their amount of spending to remain the same and just 10 percent plan a decrease.

Nearly a third (31.3%) of marketers plan to increase spending on interactive advertising while 52.1 percent say their investment will remain the same and 16.7 percent plan a decrease.

Change in Marketing Spending for Select Media

Nearly a quarter (23.5%) of marketers indicate their spending on search advertising will increase and almost 60 percent say their budgets will remain the same.

The most likely areas to see a cut in spending due to the economy is print with 37.5 percent of marketers planning to do so, followed by TV (21.4%), radio (8.9%) and outdoor (5.4%).

Which U.S. Marketers Cut the Most Spending Due to Economy

When it comes to an economic recovery, almost 60 percent of marketers expect it in 2010, while nearly one-fifth believed it would happen this year and 17.3 percent thought recovery would come in 2011.

Overall, 50 percent of marketers said they expected their expenditures to return to peak levels in 2011 and less than one – third thought 2010 would bring them back to their previous budgets.

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