Friday, September 20, 2024

Money Talks

The energy of money can be quite a comedian sometimes, especially if you *see* it from the energy/spirit of money, and not the clutching fear and limitation that we humans choose to clothe it with. (I’ve been there, so I do know the difference.)

I have a business/friendship person in my life. This person’s business was stuck. Her dream was stuck. Her business happens to be a complement to my intentions for my business/livelihood/lifestyle.

I said: *Ok, let’s push some buttons*. Let’s push the *money button*.

“I have this idea that would benefit us both. I have the money to push the money button, that would change the energy of the whole thing. This money would move the Rock that is in the way, in for form of another person.”

The Rock is another business. This business operates due to money. It’s what business is about. The creative flow of money to make things expand. It’s what we are here for, to expand everything of energy! And since everything is Energy, we are here to expand the ALL !

*Business is the dress of creativity in commerce, and the food and the fuel of this, is money. Sweet money ! *(and you can quote me on THAT !)

So, I offered the idea, and then the fuel to make it go (money). Now, it has become a working triangle. 3 sides. The power of 3 with a solid foundation.

Each part of the triangle brings their own gifts to the triangle. A triangle points Upward, to spirit, to be answered and then flows back answered, therefore an inverted Triangle. I’ll let you guess what you get from that ! Place one triangle over the other. (This is also The Figure 8 but with rounded corners, which is a major implication in Divine/Spiritual matters !)

Money Talks, Dreams get unstuck.

How can you not love sweet money for providing this tool to generate gifts into dreams come true !

You, me, we all have one of 2 choices.

1. We can continue to make our choices based on problem solving all year long, and reacting to the choices of others all around us.

2. OR we can use the Physics of what is working anyway whether we *believe * or not, and design a life full of ease, fun, love and affection and with that MONEY has to COME! It’s a rule of the Universe ! And it comes in big WADS ! Rock & Write !

Author/Consultant Susan James writes of User Friendly
Physics and The Immaculate Physics Applications to our
lives. Covering Millionaires to Weight Loss, Susan writes
from personal application of Maverick Momentum methods.
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