Friday, September 20, 2024

MLM Leads – the extra help your business opportunity needs

I spend a lot of time taking to mlm members with large downlines. I also spend a lot of time talking to mlm lead brokers. All of these people got their start by joining an mlm just like yours. What they quickly found out was if they were going to succeed they would need some serious help.

The mlm company you have joined can provide serious help. However, help in this case usually doesn’t cost anything and unfortunately usually does not translate into sales or members. The best help you can get from any mlm is a solid product line and a history of how others like you have found members to join the organization. Those are the major factors you should be seeking from your mlm opportunity however by themselves they don’t produce the much-needed sales numbers.

Another form of help is all of the conference calls you listen to and all of the emails coming to your email box. These center on what’s exciting with this particular mlm. They can also give you many helpful ideas you haven’t thought about to grow your mlm business. Again this help doesn’t produce the sales it is just meant to stimulate you. It’s meant to get you moving.

How do you translate getting moving into sales?

Here is how others do it. All of the successful mlm members I talk to have one thing in common; they all buy hundreds of leads a day. Some buy 1,000s of leads a day. Most of these MLM members are not using all of these leads themselves. Most of these people are either giving the leads to their downlines or selling the leads to their downline with a small markup for handling the leads. Handling the leads is a big job, and I mean BIG job.

The MLM leads by themselves also will not bring sales or members. What it will bring is a unique opportunity for you to find 25,50, or even 100 like-minded people. Imagine having 100 people who like you want to operate some type of home-based business. That’s what mlm leads do… They give you the opportunity to sell your mlm program to a warm prospect.

You are still going to have to sell that prospect even though it is a warm MLM lead. People are not going to roll over and open their wallets if you cannot convince them that your mlm opportunity is the best fit for them. You are going to either call them or you are going to email them. One way or another you will have to contact the MLM prospect to make a sale.

You should set your expectations low when calling on MLM leads. Even warm mlm leads. A lot of these business opportunity seekers have been looking for months for the right opportunity so they have answered a lot of calls just like yours. Your expectations should be around 4% of the warm mlm leads called should close. That 4% mlm close ratio is if you are calling them in a timely manner – within 48 hours after they have filled out the form.

Now 4% may sound small but you have to remember that if you start building your downline and your members also use the MLM leads then your downline is guaranteed to grow. Guaranteed! You may break even or make a little money on the leads that you call on but if you can stimulate your downline into doing the same thing then your downline members will begin to grow exponentially. Again the leads can’t sell themselves. Guaranteed to grow means someone is actually working all of the leads in a timely manner.

Most people need help to get any business going including an MLM business. Do yourself a favor, purchase and work leads on a consistent basis. Your downline members are guaranteed to grow with this type of help.

David Peterson is a Managing Partner with Proactive Sale. He has 20 years selling and sales management experience. During those 20 years he has been responsible for over 50 million in sales. Visit his site at

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