Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Missing the Point: Blog Post Themes

It happens to all writers at one time or another. It may be an occupational hazard that occurs when fingers tap keyboards. A reader will misunderstand the point of your blog post. There may even be issue taken with a very obscure part of the article. Instead of debate taking place over the main theme of the column, some obscure section may find itself the topic of various interpretations.

Different people find many alternative messages in all of your writings. While most blog posts are accepted at face value, many of your writings may find themselves under a microscope. Your intended point may be bypassed for a less than important aspect of the post. As surely as snow in winter, misinterpretation happens to all writers at some time or another. Instead of lamenting the event, it’s more productive to consider how the misunderstanding took place.

We all view the world through different eyes. We may be seeing the same picture or reading the same words, but our perceptions are often different entirely from one another. We see everything through the prism of our lives and experiences, and create a reality based on the sum total of our backgrounds. Because of these widely different realities, we read words based on how we see ourselves. As a result, we often misinterpret what other people write; and often in very radical and unexpected ways.

When we read another person’s writings, we superimpose our values, ideals, experiences onto their words. This is usually done on a subconscious level, and we often don’t even know we are viewing through our own glasses of experience. This lens, created from our own values, reflects those values onto everything we do every day. Writing is no different. Very often, the way we see things gives someone else’s writing meanings and shadings that were never intended by the writer.

All too often, words are misread and ideas read into the words, that are seen only through the eyes of the reader. Not only are the main themes of post often misinterpreted, but very often an innocent word or a random seeming sentence will be the cause of an unexpected controversial debate. To prevent these unfortunate and unexpected misreadings, it’s important to consider the article or post from the author’s point of view.

Decide upon the author’s main theme for the post or article. Usually, the title and first paragraph or two will convey what the writer plans to tell the readership. If the argument put forth is consistent, accurate, and to the point then the writer has done the job properly. The reader may then agree or disagree with the main premise of the piece.

If you notice any words or sentences that seem to strike a raw nerve, take a deep breath before screaming and hurling coffee cups at your monitor. They may be simple badly worded sentences that missed the rewrite process. They may have no ulterior motives and messages attached to them at all.

Before you debate a writer for something other than the main thesis of the article, take a step back first. Place yourself in the author’s shoes, and consider their point of view. You may still disagree with the overall message, but at least you will have a complete understanding of their thoughts and ideas.

Fewer misunderstandings lead to better reading understanding. They may also make you a new friend as you will now have a better grasp of the author’s view of the world. It might help both writer and reader to understand each other’s world view a bit better too.


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