Thursday, September 19, 2024

Microsoft Reveals Details On Upcoming Search Technology

At the Goldman Sachs Internet conference Wednesday, May 26, 2004, in Las Vegas, Yusuf Mehdi, head of Microsoft’s MSN portal disclosed details of Microsoft’s upcoming search technologies. Mehdi revealed that Microsoft is concentrating on “end-to-end” search capabilities, not just internet search.

Mehdi stated that Microsoft’s technology will offer an all-in-one type of search utility that give users the ability to search through emails, files, and large databases. The goal, according to Mehdi, is to give consumers “an end-to-end system for searching across any data type.”

Microsoft’s search technology is being designed with consolidation in mind. The idea is to give users a single search system instead of having to rely on different engines and different utilities in order to search an increasing amount of data.

Microsoft Windows, the operating system on 90% of computers, already features a file management/search system. However, Mehdi concedes that the system is not very efficient, and that it has to be improved in order to remain competitive. “I think it’s fair to say that we will tackle all of the things that you expect, including PC search, as part of the MSN effort”

Mehdi also revealed that Microsoft plans on launching a beta version of its new search utility soon, with a fully operational version expected by the end of the year.

The pressure to produce a successful search utility is mounting for Microsoft. Google is preparing to launch its own version of a local computer search utility, making use of Google’s famed search capabilities. Furthermore, the search engine Microsoft’s portal,, has been vendor based.

Currently, MSN’s search is powered by Yahoo-owned Inktomi, a potential competitor when MSN finally does launch its own search engine.

Future MSN search features were also discussed at the conference. Mehdi stated that Microsoft’s goal for its portal is to have a site similar to, complete with a personalized approach. There are two personalization features MSN would like to incorporate into its portal. The first being MSN would recognize a user even if they did not log in. Secondly, Microsoft is working on a system that would enable the tracking of a user’s surfing habits in order to offer a more personalized portal page, based on these documented habits

Mehdi acknowledge the privacy issues associated with such invasive technology. “We’re going to make a very big investment in personalization, but it’s very clear that privacy and consumer trust is really a key thing in getting your arms around personalization.”

Monitoring web habits in order to offer personalization is the exact action that anti-spyware groups are trying to stop. A number of companies have been sued because of their perceived spyware activities. If you thought the stink about Gmail’s operating procedures was bad, imagine the backlash from a portal that openly acknowledges the use of spyware tactics.

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