Thursday, September 19, 2024

Microsoft Protects Your Privacy?

Microsoft is offering Windows users a “private folder”-a password-protected storage space that will make its home on your desktop. There are a few Faustian catches, though, not the least of which is the requirement to run the Windows Genuine Advantage program before installing Private Folder 1.0.

Microsoft describes this new software as “a useful tool for you to protect your private data when your friends, colleagues, kids or other people share your PC or account.” While that’s all fine and dandy, some people have noticed the negative possibilities Private Folder could create.

Patrick S., in a post on MSBlog, says it “would cause major problems for network admins . . . blocking it would be the best option and not allowing users to install it.” Several comments simply recommended other programs that might offer better encryption. Few seemed too enthusiastic over Private Folder.

The comments at FileForum were a little more positive. The software “does what it’s s’posed to,” noted Corbit. Another user, “fadedangel,” balanced that out somewhat by describing Private Folder as “too little, too late.” This person also wrote about “icon caching problems, weak encryption on the password schema, plus who the hell is gonna trust Microsoft with their private files?”

As mentioned earlier, Microsoft will require would-be users to run the controversial Windows Genuine Advantage in order to get this software. Additionally, CNET writer Dawn Kawamoto notes that the program “must have Windows XP Home Edition, Professional Edition or Media Center Edition, with Service Pack 2. The software also needs a high-resolution Super VGA video adapter and monitor to work properly.”

Private Folder 1.0 is being offered for free.

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Doug is a staff writer for murdok. Visit murdok for the latest eBusiness news.

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