Monday, September 16, 2024

Microsoft Live Search Cashback Program Stumbles

Microsoft’s Live Search cashback program is brilliant insofar as it recognizes that compensation makes the world go ’round; a little money helps people do things they don’t like or change old habits.  Only it appears that not everyone who’s participating the cashback program is receiving the key ingredient.

Kip Kniskern writes, “We first reported problems some customers were having on February 4th.”  Now, “a 12 page thread over at coupon listing service and community shows that the issue is seemingly far from corrected,” and a “report on the thread at . . . details continuing problems.”

LiveSearch Money Back

Microsoft, PayPal, and eBay are all working to solve the issue, but the length of time it’s taking them is obviously worrisome.  If the combined resources of these entities can’t solve an issue, then either the problem’s enormous or they just aren’t trying too hard.

At least a few people are leaning towards the second explanation.  On the FatWallet forums, there’s talk of reporting Microsoft to the Better Business Bureau or taking the company to court.  And folks who are that fired up certainly won’t be favoring Live Search over Google and/or Yahoo anytime soon.

It should be interesting to see if Microsoft’s share of the search market takes a hit or continues climbing this month.

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