Friday, September 20, 2024

Microsoft Launches Tech News Aggregator

Microsoft has released a tech news aggregator at that seemingly has little or nothing to do with Live Search News, though I have to wonder if it might be integrated somehow further down the road.

The site is broken down into tabbed categories for the home page, inspiration, methods, business, events, blogs, and products. While Microsoft sites do appear at the top of the lists for some sections such as for “blogs”, it doesn’t appear that sponsored listings are residing at the top as a general practice (at least so far) because one of our own murdok stories by Mike Sachoff is currently at the top of the “inspiration” category during the time of this writing, and we did not pay to get there:

Microsoft /web

Still, that could all change (not that I’m saying it will) because there is still plenty of work to be done with the site on Microsoft’s part. Lauren Cooney, GPM; Web Platform and Standards, Developer Division at Microsoft writes on her blog:

This is a very early version of the site, but the site itself is a content aggregator for everything web. So, for instance, if you’re a developer, designer, or business focused, you can all go to one site to get great information on what’s happening right now with web development and strategy. The content isn’t *quite* where we need it to be yet, but you’ll be seeing improvements over the next few weeks on this. Also, we’d like your feedback on the site.

So far, there seems to be a lack of quantity for new content. You can look at any category and view the listings by date and easily see posts dating back to August within the first 20 results. It’s clear that many new popular and important tech stories are absent, but like Cooney says, they know the content isn’t where it needs to be yet, so I’m not going to judge it too harshly at this early stage. 

It’s also worth noting that there is a mysterious lack of content about Google and Yahoo!, which are present on similar sites like Techmeme and WebProWire. Perhaps, search industry news simply isn’t a primary focus of the site.

More from Cooney in the comments below.

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