Monday, September 16, 2024

Microsoft Getting FrontBridge Hookup: Secure Messaging

Microsoft announced yesterday they will acquire FrontBridge Technologies Inc., a company that provides managed services for corporate email security, compliance and availability requirements. This adds another set of features to Microsoft’s ongoing war against security problems through archiving, minimizing spam and viruses, and ensuring email availability in case of a disaster.

“Our commitment to listening and responding to customers really drove the union with FrontBridge, because both companies are focused on solving the same difficult messaging challenge – ensuring customers’ e-mail is compliant, better protected from spam and virus threats, and always available, even in the case of unforeseeable disaster,” said Dave Thompson, corporate vice president of the Exchange Server Group at Microsoft. “We see FrontBridge’s services as a perfect complement to Exchange. The FrontBridge team brings significant expertise in helping customers mitigate messaging risks before they ever reach the corporate firewall.”

This is going to allow Microsoft to offer some strong features with the Exchange Server system that will really help corporate messaging as a whole. Microsoft has made a concerted effort to make their networks much more secure. FrostBridge’s bag of tricks will be centered on message compliance, message security and message continuity. This will allow companies to maintain protected networks that are not only fully archived but protected against disasters that might normally halt email during crisis situations.

David Thompson, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Exchange Server Product Group said on Microsoft’s website, “We are extremely impressed with the expertise that FrontBridge brings to the table. From a technology perspective, FrontBridge provides an unparalleled set of services for customers that helps address some of the biggest challenges and complexities businesses face with messaging environments today. The services FrontBridge offers, remove the complexity for customers by managing those services in a hosted environment.”

John Stith is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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