Thursday, September 19, 2024

Michael Katz Answers E-Newsletter Questions

Electronic newsletters (or E-Newsletters or Ezines) are conceptually simple: they’re just emails sent to a number of people at once. In practice however, they involve many moving parts, and to be done professionally, it requires both a big picture view, as well as a tactical understanding of how the pieces fit together. E-Newsletter Guru and author of the book, E-Newsletters That Work Michael J. Katz takes your questions and answers them personally.

Do you have e-newsletter questions for Michael? Send them here:

Michael answers questions such as:

  • How to identify the right target audience for your newsletter.
  • How to develop compelling topics that capture reader interest.
  • Finding your voice, and using your own experiences to write in a way that’s engaging and authentic.
  • E-Newsletter layout/design.
  • Selling without selling. How to subtlety position yourself as the expert in your field so that people call you first when they have a problem.
  • How to generate reader feedback and referrals.
  • Avoiding the delete key: subject lines that get your newsletter opened
  • How to make your E-Newsletter stand out from the pack.
  • How to grow your subscriber list (and how not to).
  • How to use your E-Newsletter and your web site together, to get more out of each.
  • How to manage writing fear, hatred and fatigue.
  • Measuring success: qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • How to minimize your time, dollar and resource requirements.
  • E-Newsletter nuts and bolts: Opt-in Vs. opt-out; HTML Vs. text; SPAM; privacy; newsletter length; newsletter frequency; welcome letters; tracking and list management

    Michael’s Answers and Discussions:
    Four Tips On Choosing Your List Management Software
    Lowering Your E-Newsletter File Size
    Developing Competitive E-Newsletter Content
    Building Lists (As Quickly As Possible)
    Newsletter Critique:
    Develop E-Newsletter Software, Or Buy Off The Shelf?
    Tame The Marketing! E-Newsletters Grow With Content
    Build Your E-Newsletter List With Your Current Contacts
    Articles by Michael:
    Four Tips That Boost E-Newsletter Signups
    The Power Of A Free Sample
    Keep ‘Em If You Got ‘Em: 3 Ways To Build Customer Loyalty
    Original Content: The Benefits Of Writing It Yourself
    Your E-Newsletters and Cranberry Nut French Toast
    Dialogue – Not Agreement – Is The Sign Of An Effective Newsletter
    Read Michael’s book:E-Newsletters That Work.”

    Michael J. Katz is Founder and Chief Penguin of Blue Penguin Development, Inc., ( a Boston area consulting firm that helps clients increase sales by showing them how to nurture their existing relationships, and that specializes in the development of electronic newsletters. He is the author of the book, E-Newsletters That Work.

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