Thursday, September 19, 2024

Meeting Seating – Where to Sit for Your Best Career Moves

Attending meetings is a lot like going to class. Where you sit in class can affect your grade, and where you sit in a meeting can affect your career.

Business meetings are opportunities for learning, networking and advancement. In spite of what Woody Allen says about success—that 80% of it is showing up— that’s not enough in business. Positioning yourself is important so choose the right spot.

While the back of the room may be tempting, sitting there sends the message that you don’t plan to be involved or you aren’t important to the process. That’s where people sit when they feel a nap coming on or when they want to have side conversations with their buddies.

The same rule applies to the seats along the wall when the meeting is taking place around a board table. If extra chairs are provided for the overflow, select those seats only after places at the table are taken. Otherwise, you will be declaring your lack of interest and involvement.

If you are new to the group, wait until others are seated or until someone suggests where you should sit before taking your place. If no one gives you a clue, ask, “Where would you like for me to sit?” You can avoid an embarrassing situation and show courtesy by waiting for direction.

In a large meeting with theater-style seating, pick a spot near the middle of the room, close to the front. Most speakers talk to the middle of the group so it is advantageous to avoid the first two rows. In this type of meeting, a lot of participation is not expected, but you’ll be able to see and be seen by choosing the right place.

Smaller meetings held around a table offer a different set of dynamics. Where the leader sits sets the tone. By sitting at the head of the table, the leader says, “I am in control here, and this is my meeting.” When the leader sits in the middle on the side, the intent is to create a team atmosphere and involve everyone.

No matter where you sit at the meeting, make sure you are a participant. You don’t have to utter a word or monopolize the conversation to be involved. Making eye contact, smiling, leaning into the conversation and nodding are all good ways to let everyone know that you are actively at the meeting.

Lydia Ramsey, author of MANNERS THAT SELL, keynote speaker and seminar leader, is a leading authority on business etiquette and protocol. To sign up for more FREE business etiquette tips, click here.

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