Wednesday, September 18, 2024

McKinsey on Tacit Interactions

Vanessa Colella from McKinsey & Company expands upon the two studies released today and their new notion of Tacit Interaction.

  • Old formula was: customer need X offering innovation X sales and delivery models = success
  • New formula: automating tacit interactions X web 2.0 for the enteprise X software as a service = success
  • Tacit interactions require judgement or expertise, not entirely rules based. Using IT to support tacit interations was more difficult before. More difficult to automate because users are trying to do something different every time. In the next phase of software they think it is possible.

    Four categories of opportunity:

    1. Timely access to information and context: Increases access to data and information at the right time in the right context for decision makers

    2. Improved decision making: Supports decision making through tools that allow a better use of data and the presentation of relevant information

    3. Enchanced communication: Enhances and expands the reach of communications and increases the richness of the message

    4. Better collaboration: Enables and improves collaboration by facilitating transfer, sharing and simultaneous process of information

    General apps and back office applications are moving to SaaS, Infrastructure and Tools are not.

    On Tacit Interaction, this has been a constant thread of this blog and something John Seely Brown has been expanding upon for some time using different language (social fabric as 5% of IT spending, focus on exceptions. etc.).

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    Ross Mayfield is CEO and co-founder of Socialtext, an emerging provider of Enterprise Social Software that dramatically increases group productivity and develops a group memory.

    He also writes Ross Mayfield’s Weblog which focuses on markets, technology and musings.

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