Friday, September 20, 2024

Matt Cutts Talks Video Universal Search Ranking

As you may know, Google’s Matt Cutts frequently answers user questions by posting videos to the Google Webmaster Central YouTube channel, and the latest one he tackled has to do with videos ranking for universal search on Google. Here is the question that Cutts received:

What factors influence a video universal result in Google? I have the same video – one on YouTube with high views, comments and ratings, yet the other one with low views and no comments is the one that ranks – why is this?

Cutts says that his first guess without knowing the specifics is that maybe the ranking video received links from a very reputable site, so it has more pagerank.

“We still do look at links. We still do look at pagerank whenever we’re trying to rank things,” says Cutts. “So if this is the one that happened to get written up in a very sort of reputable location, then it couple be that this one has more pagerank and that’s why it outranks it.”

Cutts says it’s strange, because if the other video is getting the comments, and the high views and ratings, then it must be getting some good word of mouth from somewhere, but perhaps it’s just not getting the links from reputable sources that the other one is.

The factors that influence a video universal result are often similar to factors that influence web search, according to Cutts. This means things like how well Google thinks a certain result will match in terms of topicality, and the reputation of a page are taken into consideration. Links can play a significant role in that.

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