Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mashup and Marketing to Teens

Ever feel like you don’t have your finger on the pulse of the “Y” generation? Well,, the foremost blog contender for youth media and marketing professionals, will help clue you in to the whys and hows of this group of “totally wired” tweens, teens, gen Y-, as well as gen X-ers, via a national conference called Mashup, for two days this July in San Francisco. The conference will guide youth marketers and media producers on how to utilize social media and technology in new non-disruptive ways that add value to the consumer’s experience, through top-notch speakers and hands-on, stimulating discussions.

In collaboration with conference producer Modern Media, a company which builds, produces and markets high-energy business events for big-name brands and media entrepreneurs, the Mashup event will host keynote speakers Danah Boyd, Fellow, Annenberg Center for Communications, University of Southern California, and Henry Jenkins, Director, Comparative Media Studies Program, MIT, Tuesday, beginning at 8:45 a.m. as they present: Convergence Culture: A Keynote Conversation.

“Their keynote will give attendees insight into why sites like MySpace, YouTube, and Facebook have become cultural phenomena, and the role young people are playing in transforming the media and entertainment landscape,” said Anastasia Goodstein, Ypulse founder and co-producer of Mashup. “Nobody knows more about what teens are doing online than Danah and nobody knows more about fan culture than Henry.”

Mashup Logo

In addition to the keynote speakers, a wide range of marketing and media topics will be covered, including:

• social networking sites,

• online video,

• podcasting,

• blogging,

• SMS and cell phones,

• virtual reality environments,

• instant messaging,

• video gaming,

• online music,

• … and more.

The Mashup will also feature a “Youth Media Showcase,” where youth media exhibitors from the Bay Area will be speaking to attendees as well as showing examples of their work with local youth.

Opening reception on Monday, July 16 will commence at 6:30 p.m., and will feature two live performances, including an acoustic set by Secondhand Serenade, one of the hottest teen music success stories of the year.

At closing on Tuesday, at 5:45 p.m., will be an exclusive performance of “Mortified”—a production in which people read from their real teen diaries will help put delegates in touch with their own teen years and inspire a deeper understanding of – and empathy for – where teens are coming from.

For more information and to register for the Mashup, go to



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