Thursday, September 19, 2024

Marketing Without Results? How to Fix it Today!

Cindy, a professional life coach, has been frustrated with the results her marketing efforts have been producing lately. Despite everything she is doing, the outcome is still not what she is looking for in her bottom line.

“I’m motivated to earn, but feel overwhelmed with how many places there are that I must put my time,” she says. “I’d like to be able to slow down, and having my web site bring me more good clients with less work would certainly be a desirable thing!”

This is a common challenge that many businesses face.

If you’re doing everything you can, promoting your business on a regular basis, networking with people, writing articles, publishing a newsletter, registering with Search Engines, and collecting e-mails among other things, then how come your business is still not as successful as you want it to be?

Doing all of these things can easily consume all of your time and energy. So much time that it leaves no time for working with your existing clients, or enjoying yourself.

My advice is simple: focus!

Choose your priority in business TODAY and work on it, and on it only! This is why it’s important to define your goals – if something you do this week doesn’t help you achieve that GOAL, pitch it from your activities.

For example, I have been awfully tempted to attend a local meeting of music teachers’ Association, especially since I am publishing a booklet for this audience. But when I thought about it and asked myself why I wanted to attend this meeting, my heart “told” me, because I really miss teaching music, and really want to connect with other music teachers!

Will this event help my business? Is it worth going to business- wise? Absolutely not. I’d be better off spending this time writing an article for music teachers, and submitting it to magazines and newsletters around the world!

Most coaches and consultants have too many things to do. They work with their clients, network at local and tele-events, write articles and proposals, and are completely exhausted growing (or maintaining) their business income.

If your goal is to attract as many clients as possible this year, then list all the activities that will help you do that, turn them into a weekly schedule and FOLLOW IT! Don’t get distracted by anything else. If you have a new idea, write it down, but proceed with your schedule.

Consistently follow your plan, and you will see results within just a few months.

Now, of course the question is WHAT ACTIVITIES should you take on? Depending on your type of business, you may need to:

1. Write articles and submit them to online publishers (you do have a list of at least 50 places to submit to, right?)

2. Lead a monthly teleclass for your target audience.

3. Clean up your web site and leave only what contributes to achieving your MAIN GOAL!

4. Publish an electronic newsletter.

5. … anything else you find appropriate.

“I keep running out of day! My hours must be divided between the extra work I do to bring in small but real dollars, and all of the things I’m always working on of a writing nature, and any client hours I might have,” says Cindy.

The solution? Organize your activities. Spend the next 2-3 days just thinking about your business, and where you REALLY would like to see it going in the next 6-12 months. Then list all the things you will be doing that will HELP you get there.

Remain optimistic. Whenever I get frustrated with slow business, I begin marketing like crazy and almost immediately see the results!

Good luck with your business

Milana Leshinsky is the author of “How To Market Your Practice On the Internet”. Download it FREE today at

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