Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Marketing Tips for Steady, Long-Term Traffic & Sales

Marketing an internet business requires consistent effort to be effective. “Consumable” advertising is that which needs to be constantly repeated, such as placing newsletter ads. While this type of advertising plays a role in your overall marketing plan, there are other methods which can yield a steady flow of traffic and sales over time, even if you were to take a break from your marketing efforts. These include:

1) Write articles and make them available for publication.

Newsletter editors and website publishers are always looking for quality content. Offer the content in exchange for an author byline and a link back to your website. Over time, links to your site can be found all over the web.

2) Optimize your site for the search engines.

Although it takes time to learn how to properly optimize your site, once you have a good position for your key phrases, you’ll get a continuous stream of visitors. Combine your optimization efforts with some great content and lots of incoming links and you’ll have a site that will remain popular — both with your visitors and with the search engines. A good source of information on search engines is the Make Your Site Sell manual:

3) Links, links, and more links.

Links will help the search engines find you while also making it more likely for other visitors to come across your website while surfing. There are lots of ways to encourage links to your site, including:

* Build a quality reciprocal link directory with hand- picked sites that are relevant to your audience. This can encourage repeat visits from people who find your directory a valuable and time-saving resource.

* Make it easy for other sites to link to you. Provide a text link and/or graphics.

* Send out articles (see point #1) and get a link back to your site.

* Get your product or service reviewed.

A convenient (and free) piece of software that can help you find potential link partners is WebFerret:

4) Offer quality free content or giveaways.

Great content is an excellent way to build exposure for your business. It offers visitors a reason to return, plus it gives other sites a reason to link to you. And the search engines always love popular sites.

Giveaways are great, too — a useful worksheet, an eBook of funny or inspirational stories, a helpful piece of software. Display your website URL prominently on your giveaway, and allow others to pass it on. You’ll “brand” your site URL plus have people coming back for a visit.

5) Go offline – put your car to work.

Think about how much time you spend in your car. You drive around, get stuck in traffic, park at the mall. What better way to passively promote your business than displaying your URL on your car? You can probably find a local company willing to do this for you… or order a convenient static-cling decal online:

6) Build your own list.

Offer your visitors something of value in exchange for their email address: a content-rich newsletter, an inspirational quote of the day, a daily ‘newsfeed’ with links to the latest headlines in your line of business… whatever your visitors find valuable.

Establish your business as the source for expert and trusted information. Your goal is to have your business in the forefront of a customer’s mind when he or she is ready to make a purchase.

Having your own list also opens you up to other opportunities, including special promotions you can offer directly to subscribers, and joint ventures with other businesses.

7) Get some publicity.

Having your URL published in a newspaper or magazine can give your site a big boost in traffic — and because people often keep old magazines, or share them with friends, it’s not just a “one-time” thing. An excellent site to learn about press releases is

While there are many ways to market an online business, the beauty of the methods above — and others like them — is that they’ll continue to build over the long-term. They’re a great way to help you progress towards the continued success of your business.

Angela is the editor of Online Business Basics, a practical, down-to-earth guide to building an Internet business on a beginner’s budget. If you enjoyed this article, you’ll love the book! Visit or request a series of 10 free reports to get you started.

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