Saturday, October 5, 2024

Marketing Basics : Gather it all up!

So, you’ve bought into an affiliate program, and you’re ready to make some money.

Ok then, now what?

First, realize that successful businesses start with successful planning. You can’t just hop around blindly and expect things to happen for you. You have to search out the information, tools, and promotional ideas you’re going to need, and gather them all up. You have to make some initial decisions, set up a marketing plan, and continue with further education.


Depending on how long you’ve been on the Internet, you may or may not need to go through these initial steps. However, you can’t simply skip them. This is the foundation for your organization. Take a look at the following categories and relate them to your own needs. These are all important steps that will set a sound foundation for your success.

Email — How many accounts do you need? Do you want to separate personal, business, ezine, and advertising emails, or just sort them out daily in one account?

Web Hosting — Are you going to rely solely on your affiliate web sites, or do you need your own site for promoting groups of programs, or an ezine, or e-books?

Domain Name — If you are going to get your own site, do you have a good domain name picked out, one that will reflect your business, and be unique among the others? Have you checked to see if your chosen name is available?

Web Design — Are your going to design your own web site, or pay to have it done? Do you have an html editor? Do you need to learn more about html?

Auto Responders — Do you need an auto responder? If so, how many? Where can you get them?

Affiliate Programs — Do you want multiple programs to bring you income, or do you want to just focus on one or two? Do you want different programs to relate together, or cover separate markets?


After you’ve gone through the basics and made your decisions, it’s important that you waste no time before you start promoting your business. Don’t expect things to just happen. Sure, there is a large market, but you’re not the only one in it. There is heavy competition out there.

First off, though, you’ll need to make decisions about the different ways you can promote. Go through the list below, and decide which ones you want to work with.

*FFA/Classified Sites

*Opt-In Lists


*Search Engines



*Bulk Mail

*Discussion Forums

*Lead Generating Programs

*Your Own Affiliate Program

*Offline Promotion

Keep records and keep track of what works for you and what doesn’t. You’re not going to be a whiz at everything right off, but you can make progress as you learn. Keep a file of the sites or ezines you use to promote. Keep it where you can find it easily without having to search through a bunch of old emails to get the URL’s again. Even keep track of the things that didn’t work for you, so you won’t forget later and waste time and money on them again.


You don’t know everything. I don’t know everything. You absolutely have to keep learning and progressing. Don’t let it take time away from your promotional efforts, but schedule time to read up on your market and marketing tactics. Know your product well. Think about where to find others who may be interested in it. Always be looking ahead for better and more efficient ways of promotion. Make a continual effort to ‘gather up’ the information you need.

Look for other sites and programs that have good information gathered up already and take advantage of them. You can often benefit greatly from the work of others. Hey, if they are offering it, take them up on it! Anything that will save you time in the gathering process can put you further ahead toward your goal of making money that much quicker!

Set up the BASICS, continually work on PROMOTION, and further seek to EDUCATE yourself to do it all better.

Gather it all up and organize it to work to your advantage.

For a STAND-OUT Program that has it all ‘GATHERED UP’ for you, including, answers to all of your Basic, Promotional, and Educational questions, check out

sponsored by Deborah Washington.

Written by Joe Bingham of the NetPlay Marketer

Joe has written many articles, both informational and humorous,
with the intent of helping others gain a better understanding of
Internet marketing concepts. His ‘tell it like it is’ approach has
many offering the NetPlay Marketer as one of their most favorite
ezines. See for yourself at:

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