Thursday, September 19, 2024

Marketing 101: A Market You Can Reach

“I want to sell Arabian back-scratchers online, can I make money doing that?”

“How about selling used celebrity hankies?”

“I want my online business to sell solar-powered electric thermogenic underwear to south pole expeditions.”

If you’ve been scratching your head trying to come up with a product, you’re not alone. Heck, most people start out with a product and go from there.

Most people are wrong.

In order to sell anything–online or off–you need to have a way to reach potential buyers. Without a way to reach your market, you won’t succeed.

Think about it this way: Just having a great product that solves a problem for your target market won’t mean anything unless you have a way to reach that market.

So, before you settle on who you want to market to or what product you want to provide, make sure you have a way to reach that market. Here are a couple ideas to get you started:

1. Pay-Per-Click search engines.

If your potential market is online, chances are they are typing in keywords related to your product in the PPC engines. See if the best keywords for your target market are available at a price you can pay and still make a profit.

For complete details on PPC search engines, go to:

2. Targeted Ezines.

Often there will already be dozens–if not hundreds–of ezines going out to your target market. Often you can create a joint venture with ezine owners to offer your product to their subscribers. I have details on how to easily accomplish that– as well as a surprising resource almost no one knows about or uses–in my report here:

3. Forums and Newsgroups.

If your target market “hangs out” at newsgroups and forums, this can be a great way to let people know who you are. Be careful, however, or you will get “black-balled.” I put together an article about how to successfully advertise using this medium here:

4. Offline ads.

If your target market is more offline than on, chances are using offline ads will work well for you–even though you are directing them to a website to make the sale.

5. Linking partners.

If there are a few predominant sites in your target market (who are not your competitors) then having them link to you can be a great way to get targeted people to your site.

But what happens if you evaluate all of these and still see no way you can reach your market, then you need to pick a different market–one you can reach.

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Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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