Thursday, September 19, 2024

Marilynne Rudick and Leslie O’Flahavan Answer Online Writing Questions

We’re interested in all aspects of online writing-e-mail marketing, online newsletters, web-writing, customer service e-mail and Web self-service. And we’d like to hear from you about your concerns and experiences.

  • Are you interested in developing a new online newsletter but can’t decide on format or frequency?
  • Do you have print publications you’d like to “repurpose” for the Web?
  • Are you thinking about an e-mail sales campaign and need advice on killer copy?
  • Do you want to use your customer service e-mail as a marketing tool?
  • Do you want to write effective FAQs for your Web site to free your staff to answer IAQ’s (infrequently asked questions!)?
  • Marilynne Rudick and Leslie O’Flahavan, partners in E-WRITE, answer your questions about web writing and e-mail communication.

    We may not be able to answer your questions individually (we’ll try!), but we’ll use your comments, questions and ideas as the basis for future feature articles for murdok. To contact us, e-mail, or

    Answers and Consultations:
    Site Content Review: Organization That Sells
    Six Suggestions for Improving the Readability of TheHomeSchoolMom.Com Newsletter
    Site Content Review: Boosting Sales With Simple Moves
    Site Content Review: Organization That Sells

    Articles by Marilynne Rudick and Leslie O’Flahavan:
    Six Steps to Selling By E-mail
    Site Content Review: Boosting Sales With Simple Moves
    Mini-Quiz: Select the Correct Word and Spell It Right
    Mini-Quiz: Punctuate Properly
    Mini-Quiz: Write for Global Customers
    Mini-Quiz: Use Plain Language
    Mini-Quiz: Change Run-ons into Full Sentences
    Web Writing for the World: Five Tips On Writing For Global Readers
    Two Alternatives To A Full-Scale Re-do
    Five Questions To Help You Decide If The Content Is Worth The Effort
    How To Feed Content-Hungry Site Visitors
    Home Page Essentials: Five Questions Every Home Page Should Answer
    How To Write E-Mail Sales Messages That Get Results
    Putting the A in FAQs

    When we started our writing training and consulting company in 1996, e-mail was in its infancy and the Internet still a techie toy. But we were so convinced of the power of online communication that we boldly named our company E-WRITE. Since then, we’ve worked with organizations of every size and type, teaching them to create user-focused web content, and to publicize their business and build customer loyalty with e-mail and online newsletters.

    Our latest project is the publication of Clear, Correct, Concise E-Mail: A Writing Workbook for Customer Service Agents. This self-paced workbook uses e-mail exchanges between customers and companies to teach customer service professionals the writing skills they need to communicate with customers.

    We Help People Build Essential Writing Skills
    We’ve customized our courses and workshops for Fortune 500 companies, Internet start-ups, federal and local governments, and nonprofits. We’ve developed courses and workshops for American Airlines, Coca-Cola, Fannie Mae, Prudential, Humana, The College Board, Key Bank, Pan American Health Organization, the U.S. Air Force, FedWeb, and The National Wildlife Foundation. Participants in our courses and workshops include high-level executives, marketing and web teams as well as customer service agents.

    We have a special interest in teaching writing to the front line administrative and support personnel who communicate with customers directly, every day. We believe that writing is a teachable skill and that good writers are made, not born. Our approach to writing training is practical and hands-on. We’ve found that people learn best and are most receptive when the training focuses on the skills they need to do their job. We’ve drawn on that philosophy and experience in developing Clear, Correct, Concise E-Mail: A Writing Workbook for Customer Service Agents.

    We’re Online Writers
    We’ve written extensively on e-mail and online writing. Our articles appear in our e-mail newsletter, The E-Writing Bulletin, at murdok and in numerous online publications, magazines and newsletters. We’ve written web content and e-mail marketing materials for Sallie Mae, GEICO, Arlington County (VA), NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute, Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum and National Museum of American History, OvationTV, the Consumer Electronics Show, WebSmart Kids, the Appalachian Regional Commission, Adoptions Together, and, among others.

    Marilynne Rudick and Leslie O’Flahavan are partners in E-WRITE —, a training and consulting company in the Washington, D.C. area that specializes in online writing. Rudick and O’Flahavan are authors of the book Clear, Correct, Concise E-Mail: A Writing Workbook for Customer Service Agents.

    Marilynne Rudick and Leslie O’Flahavan Answer Online Writing Questions: Click Here For Free Answers

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