Thursday, September 19, 2024

Malkin Takes On Google With Images

Conservative columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin has launched an effort to collect various Photoshopped Google logos and other images that protest Google’s acceptance of government censorship in China.

Google is going to have a long weekend until it announces its fourth quarter financials on January 31st. The search advertising company went from hero for its stand against a US Department of Justice subpoena for search information, to goat for its willingness to exchange censorship for entre into the lucrative Chinese Internet market.

Malkin has begun collecting an album of Google images that decry Google’s decision. Her take on the Google issue is the word “Gagged” rendered in Google’s familiar color scheme and font. Another person exchanged the Os in Google for ominous black handcuffs.

A pinky-raising Dr. Evil and his little counterpart Mini-Me sport the faces of Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, against a backdrop of the Google homepage where Evil is the default option.

Just below an image of the Google logo sporting the Soviet Union’s hammer and sickle emblem, a Google “search page” shows the results of a query for ‘Tiananmen Square Massacre’, where Google suggests an alternative query: ‘Did you mean: please come arrest me take me to re-education camp’.

In fairness, Google isn’t the only US-based tech company that deserves this treatment for its actions in China. However, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Cisco never put forth “don’t do evil” as a corporate motto. That’s a lot to live up to today.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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