Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Making The Most Of Your Blog

Blogging has transcended beyond the trendy platform that all the emo kids embraced as the new medium to publicize their fits of melancholy self-talk. Now, the practice has evolved into one of the most powerful vehicles for public information and discussion that the age of modern communication has ever known.

Remember back when blogs mostly consisted despair-laden soliloquies from lovers scorned, rebellious rants saturated with messages of disillusionment and angst-filled adolescence, and existential diatribes into the mysteries of time, space, and human life from bored philosophy majors?

Those days are a fading memory. Sure, you still come across the occasional blog that deals with one’s personal issues. Mostly, however, blogging has transitioned from a recreational pastime to a professional endeavor, mostly due to the explosion of social media onto the marketing scene.

Now, blogs are vehicles for sending out important messages and debating crucial political issues. They are quickly becoming the channel of choice for company PR reps looking to get the word out about a hot new product or service, and for consumers who want to keep up with the latest goings on in the realms of tech and eCommerce.

As blogging takes on increasing importance, the need to understand the principles that determine a successful blog becomes vital. Tom Johnson has put together one of the most comprehensive guides to blogging that one can find. While the post is brimming with fabulous insights, let’s take a look at a couple of items in particular:

Pick a Topic for Your Blog

Pick a general topic you are passionate about, and stick with that focus as you post. Near the title of your blog, identify your blog’s focus so new visitors can know immediately whether your blog aligns with their interests.

[T]he blog identifies its theme in the tagline and provides an explanation of the topic on the home page. Paradoxically, having a specific focus actually gives you more to write about. Like a novel, your blog takes on direction and purpose.

Don’t stray too far from your central topic when blogging. If people come to your site to read about tech, they probably aren’t going to be all that interested in a human interest story from your local town. Stick to the girl that brought you to the dance.

Write for Your Future Employer

A blog can be a dangerous tool, and you should know that your future employer, and possibly your current employer, will read it. Avoid posting anything confidential, gossipy, overly-emotional, rude, company-related, or otherwise self-damaging and unprofessional.

A blog can be both an asset and liability depending on the information you post. There are at least a dozen stories of employees fired for blogging. Respect your company’s information restrictions, and don’t jeopardize future employment opportunities.

Think of your blog as a résumé that keeps growing and evolving. Hone your writing. Look back at your previous blog posts to see if your style has improved. You’re not just marketing a particular idea or message; you’re marketing yourself as well.

And isn’t that why you started blogging in the first place? 

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