Thursday, September 19, 2024

Make Your Subscribers Love You!

Let me tell you flat out…it’s close to impossible to market effectively online, without using some form of email marketing. Be it an ezine, opt-in list, ecourse or report.

So it’ll be a shame for you to ignore the power of email marketing, if you consider yourself an online marketer or business owner.

With that in mind, here are 7 surefire strategies to make your subscribers love you!

1. What’s In It For Them?
The internet is a crowded marketplace, and subscribers have a vast variety of ezine choices to subscribe to. What makes yours so special?

First, identify a targeted niche to base your ezine on. I mean, really narrow down.

If you’re into cellular phones, don’t just write about that. Focus instead on a targeted area of cellular phones. Some ideas that come to mind immediately are casings, ringtones, mms, etc! You’ll get a much more specific audience this way.

Second, acquire good knowledge on your topic chosen. Learn, find and seek out relevant information to pass on to your subscribers. Save them time!

Third, innovative. Subscribers love a little innovation, something that makes your ezine shine. Having interesting contests is an example.

Wait, anyone done an audio, talking ‘ezine’ yet? Hmm..

2. Project Your Personality!
Project your personality in your writing! Show some passion!

Get to know your subscribers and let them know you as a person too. The online world is already very ‘cold’, and some warmth is much needed : )

However, be positive here, never use your ezine to spread negative comments or throw cold blankets on your subscribers. That would come across as being unprofessional and having poor attitude, and you’ll see people unsubscribing in droves!

I mean, even in the real world, who wants to be around negative folks?

So spread some good, old love instead. Be known as an Editor who’s real, approachable and friendly to build a better relationship with your subscribers.

3. Show Some Respect
You should be treating your valuable subscriber as a friend. I’m sure you won’t mislead, ignore or harm your friend?

What I mean to say, show some respect.

For starters, never bombard him or her with senseless ads all the time!

Keep your classified ads to the absolute minimum, and separate solo ads from your regular issue. And never promote just any product to your list just to earn a buck.

Here’s a quick guideline for recommending products or services.

Quality products you’ve used yourself and gotten good results; Valuable resources that will truly help them in their businesses;

Remember, trust is difficult to acquired but easy to lose .it can be gone in a second!

4. Contact Me Please
Always provide a valid and working email address so that your subscriber can contact you. Do not attempt to hide your email from them. And if your phone is available, all the merrier!

We’re talking about a long-term relationship here, and how can a relationship be started or sustained without some form of communication??

Subscribers may need to contact you for assistance, questions or feedback. Open this avenue to them, it’ll benefit you too.

And I forgot one important thing.reply to emails!

5. Work Hard For Your List
Here’s an absolutely crucial factor – YOUR ezine must be able to provide what the subscriber other words, true value.

Ask yourself, what makes a subscriber subscribe?? To get your ads? No! He or she does so as they believe your ezine can help satisfy their needs.

That is, the associated value, real or perceived, that your ezine can provide them. This may come in the form of good content, resources, reviews or discounts,etc.

What I’m suggesting here is, you’ve got to work hard for your subscribers..

Provide relevant quality content, or write your own articles! Give them valuable tools and resources that cater to their needs Seek and negotiate geniune discounts and promotions for them Keep them up to date in their areas of interest..etc!

Putting serious effort into your ezine will make your subscribers appreciate you more, cause it shows.

6. Give Them What They Want

You ain’t writing the ezine for yourself.

Find out what your subscribers’ needs are, and provide them with the resources to meet those needs if possible. The best way to do that is to ask. Using polls, surveys or basic email exchanges are all excellent methods of understanding your subscribers.

Hear them, hear them!

7. Change Your Mindset

The best way to approach this – imagine yourself as a ‘Mentor’ to your subscribers, guiding and helping them sincerely. Build them into future joint venture partners for your business…it’s a Win-Win relationship!

This mindset, if adopted correctly, can radically change your attitude. You’ll automatically provide the best committment and value to your subscribers once you know how important they really are! :o)

Granted that it’s already not easy publishing an ezine, why not make it easier with the above tips?

Make your subscribers love you, and you’ll have an enjoyable time yourself!

Ewen Chia is an expert information
publisher and marketer with a fiery
passion for creating unique quality content
fellow internet marketers can benefit from.
Visit his websites today:

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