Wednesday, September 18, 2024

M Diddy Digs Daily Show Host, Sends Props To Cellmate

A hardened Martha Stewart, steely-eyed and fabulously fashionable, sat down for a tell-all interview with Vanity Fair, detailing life in “lockdown.” “I smuggled out some pods (of gingko), and they are trees already,” she said with a satisfied sniff.

M Diddy Digs Daily Show Host, Sends Props To Cellmate
“M Diddy,” as she is known to her peeps at “Camp Cupcake” minimum security prison in Alderson, West Virginia, is looking forward to the end of her five-month house arrest next month. The electronic anklet chafes.

“I watched them put it on. You can figure out how to get it off,” she nodded. “It’s on the Internet. I looked it up.”

Her publicist’s eyes “widened with alarm” at that moment. Man, she’s a handful, alright.

Being a convict can’t hold her back, either. As soon as her sentence is up, Stewart will be launching two new television shows-a one-hour talk show, “Martha,” and a made-over version of NBC’s “The Apprentice.”

Stewart says she won’t put it up with any pansy-pants “you’re fired” nonsense, though. She’ll be adding her own hard core kill shot, straight from mo-foin’ pen.

“We are trying to come up with other ways to say it. For instance, if someone is from Idaho, I could say, `You’re back in Boise for apple-picking time.”‘

Snap! That’s cold, M Diddy! She ain’t playin’, apple picker.
M Diddy Digs Daily Show Host, Sends Props To Cellmate Stewart took a minute to send a shot out to her old cellmate, Francis, whom she called “Francesca.” Stewart, queen of jailhouse etiquette, slept with the light on, but that didn’t seem to bother Francesca, who Stewart described as “an odd-looking lady with no hair.”

“She didn’t mind it. She had a big thing tied around her head,” related M Diddy, who named her dog after the former bunk buddy.

“I just want her to know that I think about her,” she said.

Um, that’s a little creepy.

During the interview, Martha laughed at Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart for saying she could make a shiv out of a lamb shank. Lonely and thoughtful penitentiary nights came flooding back as she thought of it.

“He was talking about me after I left, and, I have to say, Jon Stewart is even better looking in person than he is on TV,” she giggled. “I have such a crush on him.”

She raised up a sleeve to reveal a very tasteful tattoo that read, “Jon.”

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