Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lunch with the Food Advertisers

MSN and Windows Live are hosting a big strategic account conference. Remember the Google Zeitgeist event I spoke at last fall? This is the same thing, but bigger.

At lunch I chose a table that had some executives from a major food product services company (you’d know their brand name if I said it, but I’ll keep that confidential). During lunch we talked about what objectives they had as advertisers. They aren’t able to deal with disruptive technologies like blogging or video blogging. Why? Cause they can’t participate in those channels themselves.

How do I know that?

Well, at some point someone mentioned that a TV crew wanted to interview them about a campaign they had developed. The answer was quick and immediate: “are you kidding?” Their corporate culture had ingrained in them that they must get corporate approval from the PR team before doing any press interviews. “That’s what we call silly thinking,” one guy said.

I told the table “well, I guess you aren’t allowed to blog then, right?”

They looked at me like I had just spoken Farsi to them.

What was weird is when I checked into Memeorandum, I found this article on ClickZ: Report Shows Marketers Stick with Proven Interactive Media.

I think it’s very weird when my lunch conversations match what reports are showing. Me? I’m glad I work at a company that lets me blog.

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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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