Friday, September 20, 2024

Love Ajax? Hate The Exploits

Bringing certain content-updating behaviors to web pages without reloading them has been a key piece of the ‘Web 2.0’ online application meme; it now appears the criminals could have a way to break them open too.

First Jikto hits the web, and now this. JavaScript hijacking vulnerabilities in a number of popular web application frameworks, including ones from Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo, could be a threat until their libraries receive fixes.

Fortify Software posted an advisory about the JavaScript issue. Their description of the problem resembles what Jikto can accomplish. Here’s the Fortify summary:

The attack works by using a <script> tag to circumvent the Same Origin Policy enforced by Web browsers.

This is Hoffman’s discussion of Jikto, a JavaScript based web scanner that has the potential to silently install on a web browser and probe websites for cross-site scripting vulnerabilities:

As my Shmoocon presentation slides discuss, Jikto bypasses the “Same Origin Policy” by using a proxy website like the-cloak, proxydrop, Google Translate, etc.

Part of Hoffman’s source code for Jikto has been released on the Internet. Fortify took aim at several frameworks in their analysis of the possibility for a JavaScript threat to exploit them:

We analyzed 12 popular Ajax frameworks, including 4 server-integrated toolkits – Direct Web Remoting (DWR), Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax (a.k.a. Atlas), xajax and Google Web Toolkit (GWT) — and 8 purely client-side libraries — Prototype,, Dojo, Moo.fx, jQuery, Yahoo! UI, Rico, and MochiKit. We determined that among them only DWR 2.0 implements mechanisms for preventing JavaScript Hijacking.

JavaScript transports data, making it possible that an unauthorized application could read the data going to a legitimate site. If that data includes confidential information, then a hijack can bring that data to another party.

The concept was demonstrated quite painfully to Google early in 2006. Jeremiah Grossman detailed a GMail flaw that could reveal someone’s GMail contact information. Google fixed that problem shortly thereafter.

Frameworks will be updated to resist JavaScript hijacking attempts. Ajax developers will want to verify their applications can resist potential break-ins and be aware of the ramifications of the problem:

The loophole in the Same Origin Policy is that it allows JavaScript from any website to be included and executed in the context of any other website. Even though a malicious site cannot directly examine any data loaded from a vulnerable site on the client, it can still take advantage of this loophole by setting up an environment that allows it to witness the execution of the JavaScript and any relevant side effects it may have. Since many Web 2.0 applications use JavaScript as a data transport mechanism, they are often vulnerable while traditional Web applications are not.

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