Thursday, September 19, 2024

Look Ma! I Bought Uranium On

A lot has been written about the odd things you can buy online, and this particular listing’s been radiating around the blogosphere for the past couple of months. Available through Amazon “used and new” for just $22.95: uranium.

Just to get it out of the way, no, it’s not weapon’s grade. It’s uranium 238 ore, which is in abundant supply in the ground all over the place and is relatively safe. (Try not to inhale or injest the pieces that splinter off, though.) You’re thinking of uranium 235, the dangerous kind, which is not available on Amazon, unless you count a band that goes by that name.

Of course, if you know how to fire a neutron at it you can make plutonium. Add a flux capacitor and you’re on your way to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance with Marty and Einstein the Dog.

There are apparently lots of places to buy uranium online – you know, for educational and scientific purposes – including eBay, where photos show it looks a lot like Kryptonite. You can also find a nice array of uranium “Depression glass” products there as well.

Yes, there are other uses for uranium than blowing stuff up.

Paulo A. Nuin Suano provides the first of several tongue-in-cheek product reviews:

“This product is great, I was waiting for something like this since Amazon was on telnet only. The only bad thing is that the Red October Sub is backordered and we won’t have in time for a Xmas party in the Arctic.”

Ah, sarcasm.

But if you came into this article hoping for some disturbing news, we’ve got you covered. People that bought a tub of uranium ore also bought an electromagnetic field meter, a copy of The Complete A**hole’s Guide to Handling Chicks, a lot (A LOT) of kinky lingerie, and the Ultimate Anal Douche Hygienic System.  

Enjoy your dinner. 

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