Thursday, September 19, 2024

Look For Your Niche Market in Places You Wouldn’t Expect

Anyone who has ever succeeded in doing business on the Internet has discovered the importance of finding their niche market. Finding your niche market means discovering which product or service to sell, and then locating the people that are interested in buying it. While finding your niche may be difficult at first, once you’ve found it and established a loyal base of customers, you’re definitely on your way to success.

Much of the difficulty in finding your niche market comes from trying to find a niche that isn’t already flooded with competitors. They key is to find an area that has customers ready to be served, who aren’t already being served by hundreds of others.

You may think that you have to offer run-of-the-mill products to attract a decent number of customers, but that’s not really true. Each person is different from the next, and each has his or her own specific needs and interests. If you can find a need or interest that lots of people share, no matter how strange it seems, you can find your niche.

As I’m sure you’re aware, there are dozens of Internet stores out there offering general merchandise, gifts, etc. Most of these stores offer good products at decent prices, sure, but they’re all over the place. There are simply too many of them for a small company just starting out to find a real niche. To be successful, you have to be different enough that a ton of other people aren’t selling the same thing, but “normal” enough to find a relatively broad customer base.

For example, when I started my mask retailing site, I had done enough homework to know that there was a market for a site that sold masks, and masks only. Now, I’m not just talking about your typical Halloween and kids’ masks. I offer those, too, but I also offer everything from dust and gas masks to decorative, collector, African, sports, feather, butterfly, animal, and even Indonesian masks. From my research, I knew there were surprising numbers of people out there that collect masks, and even bigger numbers of people who love owning a few just for kicks. I started out with a limited selection, but with demand my site has grown to offer over 450 different masks, both wearable and decorative.

This may seem like a very specific niche, and perhaps it is. However, even if you fill a very specific need, you can still be successful, as long as there are plenty of people with that common interest. Do some research, browse the net, and see if you can’t carve out a niche for yourself.

Bryan Kerrigan is founder of, which offers a huge selection of just about every kind of mask at very affordable prices. For information or to browse the incredible selection, please visit the site at Free shipping is available.

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