Thursday, September 19, 2024

Logidex 3.5 for J2EE and .NET Released by LogicLibrary

First Software Development Asset (SDA) Management Tool to Offer Interoperability Across Platforms.

LogicLibrary, the leading provider of software asset management tools, today announced the release of Logidex 3.5 for J2EE and .NET platforms and development environments. Featuring compliance with the WS-I Basic Profile, UDDI governance, support for SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, and enhanced search capabilities, Logidex 3.5 enables organizations to more effectively build and manage service-oriented architectures (SOAs).

WS-I Basic Profile, released by the Web Services Interoperability Organization, consists of a set of non-proprietary specifications and principles that promote interoperability among Web services. WS-I Basic Profile compliance means Logidex users, working within the integrated development environment (IDE) of their choice, can connect to and manage Logidex metadata repositories hosted on different platforms – providing unparalleled flexibility for enterprises moving forward with Web services and SOA projects.

“As companies have begun to develop and deploy Web services and SOAs, there has been an urgent need for a single, standardized foundation that can be implemented today and built upon later as standards continue to mature,” said Brent Carlson, vice president of technology and co-founder of LogicLibrary. “The WS-I Basic Profile fits this need, and Logidex 3.5 is the only software asset management solution that complies with it. This new cross-platform interoperability functionality offers our customers the ultimate flexibility in implementing Web services and frees them of the inherent limitations of tools that cannot interoperate across .NET and J2EE.”

Corporate computing environments are increasingly heterogeneous. According to Gartner, Inc., through 2007, 95 percent of midsize to large businesses will leverage Microsoft and Java technologies as integral elements of e-business strategies (0.8 probability).(a) As the industry’s premier collaborative software development asset (SDA) management solution for development, reuse and SOA projects, Logidex features tight integration with industry-leading IDEs including Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, IBM WebSphere Studio, IBM Rational XDE, SAP NetWeaver and Eclipse.

Logidex 3.5 also includes:

— UDDI Governance–New capabilities for governing the UDDI publication process enable customers to automatically control the publication of Web services to their UDDI registries. This improves the management of operational UDDI registries and seamlessly ties together the development and operational views of Web services within the enterprise.

— Open Source License Compliance (OSLC) Module–The OSLC Module provides a set of compliance checklists for all developers and QA teams to review when using open source software in their development projects. The checklist covers ten of the most widely used open source licenses and provides guidelines for proper usage, helping enterprises minimize the risks and reap the benefits of using open source software.

— Enhanced Asset Search–Complementing Logidex’s already powerful search capabilities are two new search-related features in Logidex 3.5: Advanced Query and Asset Discovery Alerts. The Advanced Query options allow users to search across all asset metadata and narrow their search to specific metadata elements as desired, further increasing the precision and accuracy of their searches. In addition, searches can now be marked as “alertable,” so users are notified when a newly published or updated asset meets the search criteria they have specified.

— Logidex Open Event Notification Framework–By exposing the Logidex SOAP-based event engine, now all “events of interest” are available for integration and tracking purposes. Customers have access to a configurable audit trail of all Logidex-related activities, wide-ranging event notifications based on specific installation requirements, and easy integration of Logidex with external workflow and orchestration tools. This new feature enables organizations to expand their use of Logidex across the enterprise by enabling them to report on a wide variety of activities and easily integrate Logidex with their existing workflow products.

— SAP NetWeaver Support–This new Logidex Plug-in is an enhancement that tightly integrates with SAP’s NetWeaver Developer Studio 2.0.4. Unlike other tools, Logidex is launched from within NetWeaver Developer Studio, allowing SAP developers to directly access all Logidex functionality, such as advanced search capabilities, Active Design and asset selection and deployment, without ever leaving their IDE. Using wizards provided by the Logidex plug-in, SAP developers can quickly and easily capture and consume various types of assets and artifacts including SAP J2EE projects, Web Dynpro projects and components, xApps and SAP patterns. This powerful Logidex capability allows SAP NetWeaver users to easily share and use assets and components in their reuse and SOA initiatives, increasing their productivity while reducing application delivery times.

“Implementing a successful service-oriented architecture requires discipline, governance and teamwork across IT and business organizations,” said Jason Bloomberg, senior analyst, ZapThink LLC. “Business users, application developers, portal developers and security experts all must operate as a cohesive unit in order for an SOA to realize its potential. Software asset management solutions such as Logidex provide the necessary governance and discipline to achieve the desired effects of an SOA, namely IT capabilities that achieve the long sought-after goal of reuse and meet the needs of continuously evolving business requirements.”


Logidex is a collaborative software development asset (SDA) management solution that simplifies the creation, migration and integration of enterprise applications. It represents inherently complex, enterprise application environments in a graphical, intuitive way. Logidex is the only SDA management solution that offers federated library support, model-based searching, out-of-the-box assets, measurements and metrics–all within .NET and J2EE development environments.

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