Friday, September 20, 2024

LL Cool J and NBCU Loves the Ladies

Yes, the ladies love cool Jeremy – and, now, there’s proof that NBC Universal loves the cool ladies as well as it bought iVillage for $600M.

It’s been talked about for a while – that someone would snap up iVillage (here’s the whole iVillage history from PaidContent). And, NBC seems to be an interesting choice to go after iVillage, but also makes sense to fit into its television networks (Bravo and USA), to work within the network to promote and crosspromote within the iVillage network, which includes blogs and the old skool (which still works wonders) message boards.

While I am not in the demographic, the community does not have the feel of other communities recently snapped up, like MySpace, and others. But, 14MM users (stat from Robert Ricci) is no small network to mock.

It’s an interesting position for PR people – there are message boards to tread lightly in, the articles themselves on the site, the potential for cross-pitching with TV shows (when we find out how the site will be integrated) and blogs to pitch and send product out to.

Now, if NBCU buys ClubMom, they’ll have that market locked up tight…

Jeremy Pepper is the CEO and founder of POP! Public Relations, a public relations firm based in Arizona, USA.

He authors the popular Musings from POP! Public Relations blog which offers Jeremy’s opinions and views – on public relations, publicity and other things.

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