Thursday, September 19, 2024

Lights, Camera, AskCity Has The Action

Oscar makes his annual appearance in late February, and the latest service from wants to get you to the cinema to catch some celluloid masterpieces before the Oscar pools begin at work.

Let’s face it, Snakes on a Plane isn’t going to capture the Best Picture statuette this year. Life just isn’t fair sometimes.

That should not dissuade the avid moviegoer from hitting the local cinemaplex for some big screen entertainment. Finding the place to go and the movie to see becomes a lot easier when using AskCity to be the guide.

The search engine that wants to place information at everyone’s fingertips debuted AskCity at the start of last month’s SES Chicago conference. Its four main points of focus offer maps & directions, business listings, events, and movies.

With only a few weeks of being publicly available, some Internet-powered movie fans may not have given AskCity a try yet. The Ask team provided a closer look at the movies feature of AskCity, using some big name examples:

Let’s say you heard that one of the really good ones this year was directed by Clint Eastwood–but you don’t remember the name of the film. Fine. Just go to AskCity from the home page and search using his name and your area (city, town, or zip code will do)…

…and you’ll discover not one, but TWO awards-bait Eastwood-helmers playing at theaters near you.

Clicking on the links to their respective websites show that both are nominated for awards this year.
Those works are the companion World War 2 period pieces Flags Of Our Fathers and Letters From Iwo Jima. Further search choices become available, with options to look for films by genre or neighborhood with a single click appearing in the left-side navigation.

Results of a search may be sorted by movie or by theater. Through SMS, details about the movie listing can be sent to a mobile phone, making it easier to get everyone on the same page when gathering a group for a night at the flicks.

AskCity can’t plan Oscar night for you (actually, maybe it can), but it can get you to see the movie you want to see when you want to see it. Ready when you are, C.B.!


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David Utter is a staff writer for murdok covering technology and business.

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