Friday, September 20, 2024

5 Lightning Fast Ways To Build Content That Sells

The golden rule of the internet marketer is that “Content is KING.” It always has been and it always will be. Especially if you’re an affiliate, good content is your best friend! But, there’s a huge problem!

Do you really want to sit at your computer and just type content all day long? I doubt it, I sure don’t. So, here are 7 ways to get great content – fast.

1. Public Domain Works

Works in the public domain are not protected by copyright laws. They can be freely copied, changed, edited, reprinted, distributed, and sold. Some public domain sources, like most U.S. government publications, have never been copyrighted. For others, the copyright has expired. Look into in.htm to get some great resources.

2. Famous and Funny Quotations

Compiling quotations is a dead easy, completely overlooked method of creating short web pages that can suck in thousands of visitors a day. These are pages that no search engine will ever penalize. And visitors are likely to bookmark those quotation pages and return to them later.

All you need to do is a bit of research through websites, beats writing all day long!

3. Definitions

Every hobby, industry, or profession has its own vocabulary. That’s often frustrating for outsiders who wonder what the yada-yada those geeks are talking about.

So why not help your readers actually understand what you’re saying by offering definitions on your web site? Simple definitions can give you a massive competitive edge over competitors with higher search engine rankings. Why? A definition is exactly the type of content that everyday web searchers are always looking for.

4. Directory Pages

Someone comes to your website because they are interested in a topic – I bet they’d love it if you can send them to other related websites too! Well, wait, why would YOU want to send traffic away? Not exactly

Directory pages are great for search engines, they get high rankings – so make sure to stuff your own adds all around them. Quick way to build content, get great link partners, get search engine optimized and get exposure to your ads!

5. Other People’s Content

Why in the world waste time writing when there are literally thousands of writers out there BEGGING you to place their article on your website. I just recently built a 1000 page website in about 3 days using OTHER people’s content from online directories.

Check out and – those articles are available for re-printing on your website. Just make sure to give the author the credit.

That’s it – lightning fast content! Now you have no excuse to not make many large content websites that all get great search engine rankings, free visitors and lots of sales!

Anik Singal is a 21 year old successful internet marketer
who has developed his own affiliate marketing system which
helped him earn over $10,466 in just 60 days.
Join his FREE Course at:

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