Thursday, September 19, 2024

Lady and the Scamp (SCO does the Web)

If you visit SCO’s website (yeah, I know, why would you?) soon enough, you may see SCO’s new Scamp logo: an evil looking bulldog grinning at you across folded arms.

I say “may see” because I really expect that some marketing person is going to get fired over that one and that it will soon be gone, so enjoy it while you can.

The “Scamp” name was probably inevitable (Sco, Apache, MySQL and PHP/Perl). SCAMP against LAMP! Those rascals! Don’t you just want to hug ’em?

Probably not.

I guess we have to give SCO some credit for trying to hang on. The lawsuit isn’t going quite as well as they thought it might (duh!), revenues are slipping rapidly, and previous efforts like their silly mailserver haven’t done jack. What’s hotter than LAMP? Not much, so here they are. But anyone familiar with SCO products has to at least raise an eyebrow over this one. No matter how favorable you are toward the bumbling bunch, you surely have to admit that there is nothing in that acronym that SCO ever excelled at.

I’m not a SCO hater.. I’ve had a lot of SCO customers over the years and still have a few. SCO systems are stable and reliable, but their strong points never extended to the GUI; they never, ever made good web servers. In fact, they made abysmally bad web servers that caused a lot of frustration for the folks that ventured into that territory. They used Netscape, by the way, not Apache, so even if they had done a wonderful job at it, you’d have to wonder if that would translate well to Apache. They never had any SQL at all, and Perl was a late arrival: SCO scripting was always TCL based (horrible, horrible choice in my opinion). So what expertise is being pitched here? I dunno.

But do go take a look at the bulldog. While he lasts, that is.

*Originally published at

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A.P. Lawrence provides SCO Unix and Linux consulting services

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