Thursday, September 19, 2024

Kids and Mobile Marketing

PSP-toting kids can receive RSS feeds. Mobile phone cameras can narrowcast video straight to TV.

And now, as text messaging becomes the preferred mode of communication for younger folks, even e-mail is losing ground and perceived as dated.

Damn I feel old.

For me, using the computer is still a “lean forward” experience, watching TV is a “lean back” experience and both are different from using my mobile phone.

As mobile phone utility continues to increase, marketers are calling it The Third Screen. The Third Screen represents a promised land of opportunity for marketers initially pushing everything from ring tones, music and games to text messages, coupons and RSS feeds.

But there is a bigger opportunity here. As monitors are integrated into everything from cars, appliances and reflective surfaces, we should be considering more than just three. Everything is going digital/wireless/invisible to sate consumers’ on-demand needs. The challenge is how do we make our offering on-call for the consumer, but less intrusive? One thing is clear; it will involve less marketing push.

Not trying to get esoteric on you, but I’m starting to think more about design. This shift is a reflection of my “new” gig, as well as a book I just finished reading, Dan Pink’s “A Whole New Mind.” More to come from me on that tome, but I highly recommend it.

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Kevin Dugan is the author of the popular Strategic Public Relations blog. Kevin is Director of Marketing Communications for FRCH Design Worldwide.

Visit Kevin’s blog: Strategic Public Relations.

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