Thursday, September 19, 2024

Keyword Ad Prices Take A Nosedive

The Fathom Online Keyword Price Index, the best indicator of earnings trends in the search ad industry, dropped 15% in May, almost entirely on a massive correction in inflated mortgage keyword prices.

Mortgage keywords lost almost the entire cost of a subway fare, dropping 30% to $4.52 from $6.49. It was a bad month across the board, with seven out of eight categories seeing drops. One day in the future, when Google’s stock stabilizes, this index will have a major effect on the stock prices. For now, its just an indicator of an evolving market.

I’ve updated my chart:

Fathom Online Search Advertising Price Index through May 2005 - chart by Blog News Channel

Click For Larger Image
Click to view it larger (so you can read the tiny numbers). If anyone has any design recommendations, let me know.

Previous months:
(via Search Engine Watch)

Fathom Online Keyword Price Index

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Nathan Weinberg writes the popular InsideGoogle blog, offering the latest news and insights about Google and search engines.

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