Thursday, September 19, 2024

Keep On Keeping On

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.” — Dale Carnegie

You know something, when I started out online — as my newsletter is now into its 5th year, that must be getting on for seven years ago — there was NO help available.

People like me had Hobson’s choice: we decided to apply the grey cell and work it out for ourselves. If at first it didn’t work, we figured out why and we kept on trying.

And let me tell you that perseverance counts for much more than any superior talent. Thank goodness! 🙂 But nobody had to tell us to track and tweak or test and retest. That realisation HAD to come instinctively.

These days, folks online are downright spoiled.

There are thousands of guides or aids to whatever you want to achieve and, most of them contain a lot of useful information. Of course, you have to read or listen to it, understand it, then roll up your sleeves to APPLY it — which seems to be a bit of a challenge for most people.

We are spoiled for choice very often and I know this CAN lead to “information overload” and/or “analysis paralysis”, but it really doesn’t account for, nor excuse, what I see more and more of in people online every day.

jl scott calls them “Ghosts” …

“Shows up, joins your program or subscribes to your ezine, then floats away into oblivion. Can’t read, write or follow directions;”

It appears to be some weird trick of human nature. These phantoms have always been present all over the place though and, this quote demonstrates the point perfectly:

“It’s like any other organization. Only 10% of members do the work and the others show up to get their picture in the yearbook.”

Aha! If you’ve ever been a member of any club or on the committee of something, you’ll have seen that this is the case everywhere. Having been Secretary of a local branch of a major charitable organisation, I KNOW this is a fact.

Those of you most likely to be reading this are probably frustrated by it or wondering what you are doing wrong when you discern that 90% of your readers, subscribers, members, downline, etc., also appear to be comatose.

First, you probably aren’t doing anything wrong at all, although, obviously, you have to be mature enough to do some honest self-appraisal. I do NOT mean self-castigation, but there is always something we can do better.

You will find MANY in this world who just do nothing and, yet, wonder why they’re habitual losers. It totally defies the logic of anyone with any intelligence, but it just is.

They are a lazy and you ain’t gonna change ’em.

If you have these people on your subscriber lists or membership rosters, etc., (and I know you have), then the ONLY thing you can do is change the way they affect you.

Don’t let their attitudes “neg you out”. They aren’t looking for the kind of help that guides them on how to do the work, so don’t waste your time trying to give it. Save that effort for the few who do merit it.

This is basically why everyone says that Internet Marketing is a “numbers game”. Of course it is. Life is a numbers game. Only a very small percentage of people ever reach their full potential, but, with the ease of signing up for things, we notice this ratio more online.

Neither you, nor I, can change the face of human nature, single handedly. Accept that maybe 90 of every 100 signups, visitors, subscribers, whatever, will NOT turn out to be the kind of people you can work with. Let ’em go.

Concentrate on doing your job. Market constantly to attract sufficient numbers. Track everything. Automate processes. Learn to target better and better …

Just “Keep On Keeping On” and, in time you will succeed.

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