Friday, September 20, 2024

Kanoodle Enters Contextual Ad Market

Kanoodle has now jumped feet first into the contextual ad market with their latest offering, dubbed “Context Target.” With Context Target, your ads are placed along side of high quality related editorial content.This is similar to Google’s Adsense Program or Overture’s Content Match.

To give you an example, let’s say you were browsing a website all about fishing. Included on that page would be ads for fishing related products and services. Kanoodle’s take on this is that the viewer is more “engaged” in reading the copy and highly interested in the topic, thus improving your chances of them clicking through to your site.

So where do Kanoodle’s context ads appear? Their partner sites include MSNBC, CBS, Market Watch, Quicken and with plans to add more partners in the future.

So how do the ads get ranked? Kanoodle uses something they call “ClickFactor.” Ranking is determined by two means: the number of click thrus your ad receives and your bid price. A “ClickFactor” of 50 or higher is great and means that you’re doing a good job of driving traffic to your website (at least, better than your competitors). If your score is under 50, your listing needs some help. For more on ClickFactor and creating effective listings see…

After opening your Kanoodle account, you’ll need to select the categories where you want your ads to appear. The minimum bid price ranges from .10 to .50. This can rack up quickly, compared with the minimum bids at Google or Overture. If you don’t see a category that suits your needs, you can email Kanoodle with “add a topic” in the subject line and the category you would like added in the body of your message. Send it to For help with choosing the right categories see

When setting your bid amounts, you’ll need to keep in mind that only the top three to five listings will be displayed on any content page. For the best exposure you’ll want to bid for top placement.

There are many nice features in the control panel, such as the ability to set your ads to go live or dead at specific times you preset. Kanoodle is also more then willing to help you improve your listing responses. To register, go to…

Kanoodle doesn’t have the same reach as Google or Overture, but their twist on contextual advertising may be just the thing you’ve been looking for to add to your website’s advertising plan.

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