Thursday, September 19, 2024

Kai-Fu Lee Gets Lots Of Rsums

Dr. Lee won’t have any trouble keeping busy as star recruiter for Google China, thanks to a deluge of job-seekers hitting Google and his personal email.

Filling those first 50 positions should be a trivial task for Google, as it ramps up its China operations. InfoWorld cited a Chinese press interview with Dr. Lee that indicates Google’s pursuit and the ensuing litigation from his erstwhile employer Microsoft was worth the expense.

Google received over a thousand applications after it formally announced positions in China. Dr. Lee had previously stated one of his first goals was to recruit 50 people and personally lead them in becoming top-notch computer scientists.

Job seekers in China, many of whom will be graduating from universities soon, have applied for wireless and software development jobs, and product management among the listed positions. Like the Mountain View headquarters, Google China is seeking a chef for its facility.

Dr. Lee said in the interview that interest was so strong, it compelled a master’s degree level computer science graduate to apply for a cook’s assistant position just to get in the door with Google. The applicant was concerned his skills may not be up to Google standards.

The next court hearings on Dr. Lee’s noncompete agreement with Microsoft will take place in January. Microsoft wants him to be unavailable to Google during the one year period specified in that clause. A September 14 ruling allowed Dr. Lee to work for Google, but only in the capacity of a technical recruiter pending the next hearing.

David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business. Email him here.

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